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Bar Stools

Restaurant Bar Stools - Commercial Bar Stools

  • Superior Equipment is proud to offer high quality restaurant and commercial bar stools in both swivel and stationary styles
  • Our bar stools are available in a wide variety of styles, colors, and materials, and can match any decor
  • Since 1984, we've been selling high quality,  barstools in side, arm, and stacking types
  • Our restaurant stools are built to be tough, attractive, comfortable, yet still affordable

Your commercial bar stools are more than just mere chairs - they are an extension of the bar or seating area's overall feel, and can add character to the overall decor. It is also essential that your bar stools be durable, built tough, and easy to clean and maintain.

Whether you are opening a new business, or remodeling an existing one, your restaurant barstools are an investment that should last for years without worry of breaking or excessive wear. Our commercial barstools are all made in the USA by expert craftsmen who care about their product.

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